Java Language Keywords
The Java language defines the following keywords and reserved words.
Topics Included in This Section
The abstract Keyword
The boolean Keyword
The break Keyword
The byte Keyword
The case Keyword
The catch Keyword
The char Keyword
The class Keyword
The continue Keyword
The default Keyword
The do Keyword
The double Keyword
The else Keyword
The extends Keyword
The false Keyword
The final Keyword
The finally Keyword
The float Keyword
The for Keyword
The if Keyword
The implements Keyword
The import Keyword
The instanceof Keyword
The int Keyword
The interface Keyword
The long Keyword
The new Keyword
The null Keyword
The package Keyword
The private Keyword
The protected Keyword
The public Keyword
The return Keyword
The short Keyword
The static Keyword
The super Keyword
The switch Keyword
The synchronized Keyword
The this Keyword
The throw Keyword
The throws Keyword
The transient Keyword
The try Keyword
The true Keyword
The void Keyword
The while Keyword
An abstract class can be extended (subclassed) but cannot be instantiated directly.
An abstract method is not implemented in the class in which it is declared, but must be overridden in some subclass.
public abstract String myMethod();
A boolean variable may take on one of the values true or false.
if (valid)
The Java language defines the following keywords and reserved words.
Topics Included in This Section
The abstract Keyword
The boolean Keyword
The break Keyword
The byte Keyword
The case Keyword
The catch Keyword
The char Keyword
The class Keyword
The continue Keyword
The default Keyword
The do Keyword
The double Keyword
The else Keyword
The extends Keyword
The false Keyword
The final Keyword
The finally Keyword
The float Keyword
The for Keyword
The if Keyword
The implements Keyword
The import Keyword
The instanceof Keyword
The int Keyword
The interface Keyword
The long Keyword
The new Keyword
The null Keyword
The package Keyword
The private Keyword
The protected Keyword
The public Keyword
The return Keyword
The short Keyword
The static Keyword
The super Keyword
The switch Keyword
The synchronized Keyword
The this Keyword
The throw Keyword
The throws Keyword
The transient Keyword
The try Keyword
The true Keyword
The void Keyword
The while Keyword
1. Abstract Java Keyword
The abstract keyword may modify a class or a method.An abstract class can be extended (subclassed) but cannot be instantiated directly.
An abstract method is not implemented in the class in which it is declared, but must be overridden in some subclass.
public abstract class MyClass{
public abstract String myMethod();
2. Boolean Java Keyword
boolean is a Java primitive type.A boolean variable may take on one of the values true or false.
boolean valid = true;if (valid)